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My name is Amanda and my Picard story began back in 2004. I first discovered the breed while browsing the pages of a dog encyclopedia. I immediately fell in love with their charming scruffy look, but knew the breed was very rare. In 2005, I was thrilled to find that the breed existed beyond dog books with the release of the movie Because of Winn-Dixie. The idea of owning a Picard became a reasonable possibility when I met my first one at a dog show in 2007.


With every hour of research and with every Picard that I met, my desire to own one of these magnificent dogs only grew stronger. It wasn't until 2018 while in the middle of my doctorate program that I finally added a Picard to my family.  She was absolutely worth every second of the eleven and a half years I waited to have a Picard of my own. She is a spitfire and a handful, but she has brought an incredible amount of joy, laughter, and learning into my life. She has met and exceeded my expectations and she embodies everything that I love about the breed. I truly could not ask for a better dog.


I value honesty and transparency when it comes to owning and breeding dogs. All of our Picards are health tested beyond the minimum recommended testing and all results are published for public viewing in the OFA database. Direct links for OFA results and actual imaging for hips and elbows can be viewed from the dogs' individual pages. I am always happy to answer questions about my dogs or the breed, and to educate others about the joys and challenges of owning a Berger Picard.

The name Idée Fixe holds a lot of meaning. It translates directly to "fixed idea," which when used in the context of literature refers to a recurring theme that serves as a structural foundation of a work. In many ways, Picards have been a recurring theme throughout my life and I hope that Ouija will be the foundation of many generations of exceptional Picards to come. I always breed with specific goals in mind. I have a "fixed idea" of what a Picard should be and seek to both preserve and improve the breed by following the breed standard in structure and temperament. "Idée fixe" is also used and loosely translated to mean "obsession," which embodies the dedication and admiration I have for the breed. 


It's sad to have to say in the 21st century, but we fully support and embrace the LGBTQ+ community and marginalized communities.  Please feel free to be your true authentic self without fear of hate or discrimination.

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© 2024 Idée Fixe Berger Picards

June 25, 2024 / Last Updated

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